Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I hate racism. I don't believe you can accurately tell what a person's character is by the color of their skin. But, I have to admit, I am embracing car-ism.

I hate Subarus. It's true. I admit it. If I'm on the road with one, I do whatever I can to avoid them. If a Subaru wants to get into my lane, I will speed up so they won't get in front of me. If one is already in front of me, I will move to another lane to pass them. I mean it's not hard, they drive slower than a bicycle and leave at least 24 freakin' car lengths in front of them.

I only know one person who owns a Subaru, and although I adore him, I have to be honest and say, if he were driving on the same pavement as me, I would avoid him too.

Does that make me a horrible person?


Blogger jeramy sossaman said...

Yes....this does make you a bad person. However, the fact that you've admitted it on the internet means that you've got a chance for redemption. Then again, I am a blogist judgist. Maybe you can't take my word for it.

Love you

2:46 PM  

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