Thursday, June 29, 2006


I did something really dumb yesterday. I tripped over my desk. I have a file drawer that will open if it is not shut completely, and I didn't notice that the drawer had slipped back open. As I got up to leave my cube, I tripped over the drawer, making a huge ruckus, banging and skinning my shin, and falling into the wall. People came running to make sure I was ok, but really I was more embarrassed than anything. But, you know what? That drawer no longer opens on its own, so somehow my clumsiness fixed the drawer.
Do you ever feel as though you bungle something so badly and you feel embarrassed, bruised and just downright stupid? Well, it's amazing how sometimes our most embarrassing moments turn out to be life altering fixers. We are all human and are not expected to be perfect, but we are continually trying to aim for perfection. It's very unrealistic. I say let's strive for excellence instead. If we are working as hard as we can, doing the best job we can, then we are striving for excellence, and those little trips in life are a great way to learn and possibly even fix a situation.

So next time you trip over a desk drawer, don't be so hard on yourself. Stand up, dust yourself off, and laugh! You never know, you may have just done something to alter your life.

Monday, June 12, 2006


We are busy people. In fact, I think we might be busier than you. Not possible you say? Perhaps not. But, don’t we often feel that way? My husband and I feel overwhelmed right now with the sheer business of life. We both work full-time, he is the worship pastor for our church part-time, and we own a recording studio, which is gearing up at a break neck pace since our move (oh yeah, we moved into a new house less than a year ago). On top of all of our “paying” work, we volunteer with different ministries, and we currently each only have one night a week that we don’t have a commitment – but it’s not the same night as each other.

I admit, I find some comfort in being busy. There can be a feeling of importance because so many people want my time. Why do I continue to feel a sense of guilt when I cannot commit to something? I have noticed my priorities are a little skewed of late, and my kids are suffering the fall-out of overwork.

Are your kids a little more emotional lately, are they acting out? Are you bickering more with your spouse, or feeling removed from your friends? Then you need to take a break! We as humans need to step back, take a minute and rest. Easier said than done, I know, but even God rested on the seventh day.

Do you wish there was a magic word out there that could stop you from over committing? Do you wish there was a word that was short, concise and could quickly get your point across? Well there is! That word is “NO”.

My goal over the next few months is to have freedom in the word “no”. I will take liberty in having days on my calendar that are blocked to do nothing. I will say “yes” more to my kids and my husband, and create some time for me. Oh yeah, and lest we forget, perhaps I will even block out some time for my relationship with God. Wouldn’t that be an amazing concept? Will you join me?