Oh the Pumpkin!
I love all the Fall holidays. Yes, even Halloween. I was raised in a home that participated in Halloween only because there were three kids screaming to dress up (the fourth was entirely too young to help gang up on parents). My female parental unit (without naming names, we'll call her "mom") HATES Halloween. She says she hates the candy - apparently, the candy is from the Devil (funny how every year, she had to "check" to make sure our candy wasn't loaded with razor blades or poison). But, now that all her wee birds have flown the coop, she turns all her lights out and puts a sign up on her front door "NO CANDY".
I have noticed that they are selling candy earlier and earlier, and my husband's theory is that the reason they start selling it in June is so that you'll eat it all and have to buy more for the trick or treaters. I laughed, because, well, he's funny. Of course, what did I do? I bought three bags of candy last week, and guess what - yep, we have one left.
Anyway, I love seeing the houses all dressed up with their Halloween decorations. The kids would not let us get away with not doing anything, so here are a few photos of the pumpkin carving experience Monday night.
I have noticed that they are selling candy earlier and earlier, and my husband's theory is that the reason they start selling it in June is so that you'll eat it all and have to buy more for the trick or treaters. I laughed, because, well, he's funny. Of course, what did I do? I bought three bags of candy last week, and guess what - yep, we have one left.
Anyway, I love seeing the houses all dressed up with their Halloween decorations. The kids would not let us get away with not doing anything, so here are a few photos of the pumpkin carving experience Monday night.